Vitamin C Standard

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Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C is the strongest natural water-soluble antioxidant, commonly used to measure antioxidant capacity. It is present in biological samples, like plasma, and food samples as a natural component of fruit and vegetables or as an additive.

Use this standard with colorimetric assay kits or to compare the BQC electrochemical devices results (µC) to classical antioxidant capacity units of Vitamin C Antioxidant Capacity Equivalents (CEAC).

  • When the Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C is order for the BRS in agri-food samples, BRS electrolyte is included to perform the calibration curve.
  • When the Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C is order for the BRS in biomedical samples, PB (phosphate buffer) is included to perform the calibration curve.
