Cellometer ViaStain™ CFDA-AM yeast vitality stain

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Yeast Vitality Stain enables breweries to detect metabolically active Lager and Ale yeast at different fermentation stages. PBS included.

Quantitatively distinguish metabolically active Lager and Ale yeast in pure cultures and in cultures containing debris such as beer slurries using the Cellometer system. The stain contains a solution of a cell-permeant esterase substrate, CFDA-AM (5-Carboxyfluorescein Diacetate, Acetoxymethyl Ester), that fluoresces green when hydrolyzed by enzymatically active Lager and Ale yeast.  The percent of yeasts that are actively fermenting during production can be determined and used to optimize the fermentation process during beer brewing, for example.

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