Your Options for Training and Support

Having fancy technology in your lab is one thing, and everybody claims that things are easy to use these days. But then the complexity of applications can vary quite a bit, and here´s where training, support, and dedicated help comes in quite handy.

Cenibra´s looking-at-cells team provides various levels of support, and typically phone and e-mail support come free of charge unless used in enormous amounts. Short remote sessions are also provided free fo charge, but obviously it requires a network connection of your device. This is required as well for a free remote analysis session in case a malfunction occurs. And in case your device needs maintenance or repair we offer engineering services as well. Or you are interested in an all inclusive warranty and just leave it all to us anyway.

Our more complex instrumentation comes with on site user training on install, and additional on site training sessions can be booked if needed later on.

For all these service requests please contact us under and specify your respective needs.